Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"Obsessive Compulsive Drawing" opens September 14th!

Placement Gallery presents:
Obsessive Compulsive Drawing
September 14 – October 14, 2007
Featuring artists Ben Boylan, John Fleischer, Melissa Gahagan, David Gaul, Nick Howard.

Exhibit location: 509 – 1st Avenue NE, 2nd floor, Minneapolis

Opening Reception
Friday, September 14, 7 to 10 pm
A fantastic art event and party. Free and open to the public!

Placement Gallery, the new project and gallery from Yuri Arajs, former curator and Executive Director of Outsiders and Others Gallery, presents it’s second major exhibition; Obsessive Compulsive Drawing.

This exhibition brings together five artists whose work focuses on drawing; both literally and conceptually. Each one of these artists brings his or her own style of “drawing” and their own message, and push the boundaries of what one may consider to be traditional drawing.

Ben Boylan comes from a traditional art background and works on found materials instead of a pristine surface. His found surfaces help to inform the viewer about the history of the other-worldly creatures that find their way into Ben’s work.

John Fleischer creates work that lives on many levels. Aesthetically, the work is rich with texture, color and lots of visual manipulation. Conceptually, the work is provocative and raw.

Melissa Gahagan’s work speaks to the side of us all that desire the simple life. This would include family, friends, security, animals and home. Melissa says “The landscapes are secure, primitive environments that exist outside of any contemporary conflict”.

David Gaul is a self-taught artist who started making art in 2002. He has explored many art forms; watercolor and graphite drawing to mention a few. His work in this show will focus on his love of pointillism. David creates portraits and landscapes that look as playful as his love of playing the harmonica.

Nick Howard finds himself on a constant search to better understand human relationships in his work. Who holds the truth? How do “truth’s” effect our perception of the world? These questions are brought forward in the work by the use of fine lines; massive amounts of lines to create a single image.

Gallery hours: Thur, Sat & Sun 12-5pm or by appointment

Yuri Arajs
Placement Gallery
PO Box 18496, Minneapolis, MN, 55418

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